Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Discover Your Dream Business is open! (but not for long) - When I Grow Up

Discover Your Dream Business is open! (but not for long) - When I Grow Up In 2008, I became the When I Grow Up Coach. The only way you could work with me then was via 12 weekly one-on-one sessions. We worked on discovery, launching, building, growing. You name anything around creative people changing careers, I worked on it in with my clients in 3 month increments. I quickly learned, though, that the Discovery piece  really held my interest, and what the majority of my clients were coming to me with. In 2010, I wrote a rhyming, illustrated (!) career change e-book called Operation: Creative Career Cheer! One person accurately described it as if Dr. Seuss, Pucci and What Color Is Your Parachute?    had a baby. After a couple of years, I took it down. My process had evolved, and I didnt just want to hand someone a bunch of worksheets strung together and call it a day. In 2013, I put together a career discovery program called Career Camp.  This was how I wanted to teach this material as part of a virtual program. I built it for big numbers, and while I got great results for my campers, the big numbers never came. In fall 2014, I taught a 2.5 day course on CreativeLive called Create Your Dream Career. It was amazing and exhausting, with  lots of padding to get to the 18 hours of content that the company wanted the class to clock in at. There, I realized that I specifically need to focus on those who want a dream  business, not a traditional career. While that class is still available now and I stand by it, my process has still evolved, I knew I could serve my clients in a better way, and one doesnt have to watch 18 hours of videos (cue eyes crossing) to get what theyre looking for. In early 2015, I ran my last round of Career Camp. I just wasnt getting the interest, and I felt like catering it to Big Numbers was just  not the right lane for me to stay in. It was time to put it to bed. In early 2018, I launched Discover Your Dream Business. I was fairly quiet about it, wanting to run a beta round and test the waters before I really shouted it from the rooftops. I crafted it to be a more intimate experience (with just 10 women) so I could make sure my coaching magic and personalization was at play. I made sure that everyone worked with a beta client during our time together, because I stand behind the belief that DOing beats (over)THINKing every time and its  way less scary to work with your first client when you have an experienced coach to offer guidance along the way! We started in Feb and wrapped mid-April, 8 weeks of intensive (read: 5ish hours/week) work together. We uncovered their individual Puzzle Pieces of what makes up their dream business. We called out the Vampire Voices that sucked the good stuff out of us and learned ways to move forward despite them. We clarified their own sweet spot  between what  they enjoyed doing and what has the best potential for them have a strong client or customer base. We worked with a beta client (some of us got more than 1!) and took notes and finalized an offer that could make them money and the process (and pricing!) around it. They left with their Launch Plan and date. They left with an elevator pitch and mission statement. They left with an offer that could make them money tomorrow. They left with accountabilibuddies that continue to cheer them on throughout the process. One signed up for a certification program that aligned with what she discovered she wanted to pursue and she let go of the other idea that was competing for her attention. Another left with multiple clients, a tiered offer and just over a month later a polished website. Yet another launched her business that summer, and then gave her notice at work a short time later.   I ran that program three times in 2018 and throughout the summer of 2019. But now, Im closing up the doors of Discover Your Dream Business on October 4th, knowing I can still keep things intimate, personal, customized and powerful. Well still be uncovering our Puzzle Pieces, working with beta clients, and supporting each other during our freak outs. Well have our twice-monthly group calls and ongoing Mighty Network community (buh-bye, Facebook) so you can have more of my eyes + brain + experience on what  you are uncovering along the way. With Discover Your Dream Business, you wont get lost in a crowd. With  Discover Your Dream Business, you wont go it alone. With  Discover Your Dream Business, youll learn how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable (which you need to  really get used to if you wanna launch and run a successful business). With  Discover Your Dream Business, you can stop running yourself in circles. With  Discover Your Dream Business, you can take action in a safe space. With  Discover Your Dream Business, you can (finally!) put this huge life decision in the hands of someone whos been there, done that and has personally guided hundreds of women to do the same. Registration is now open, but not for long. With  Discover Your Dream Business, I got you, girl. Lets do this.

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